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Chuck norris is the only person that can punch a cyclops between the eye. Air force at the time.
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Chucknorris io is a free json api for hand curated chuck norris facts. Great so this means we can get a single joke back each time by writing appropriate. From idea to product of the post masters degree big data and analytics from telecom paris.Chuck norris facts api allows access to a trove of tidbits about the widely acclaimed supernormal faculties of chuck norris. Chucknorris io is a free json api for hand curated chuck norris facts. Google search turned up the internet chuck norris database a hilarious site which even contains a rest api.
Chuck norris facts are satirical factoids about martial artist and actor chuck norris that have become an internet phenomenon and as a result have become widespread in popular culture. Chuck norris overview chucknorris io is a free json api for hand curated chuck norris facts. It deploys json format to process requests and return randomized responses of the phenomenal facts about the actor.
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